An African Man Has Just Walked Into the Kitchen & We Love It

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Next in our line -up of long-overdue developments is…an African man publishing a cookbook for African men!

You can now read that sentence again slowly!

Writer, Paul Banda is certainly stirring things and serving up a different platter with his cookbook; An African Man Walked Into the Kitchen. Unlike any other cookbook you may have come across before, this book was written specifically with the African man in mind.

Banda hopes to transform traditional norms which dictate that a man’s place is anywhere but the kitchen. Such norms simply no longer hold water in our fast-changing world.

“We have double income households now and that means that more and more women are coming home just as tired as their husbands. This book is dedicated to the men who like me, were asking themselves how can they help, how can they be more involved.” – Paul Banda


The book is also for the single man who desires to improve his culinary skills and eat a more than a basic home-cooked meal every night. An African Man Has Just Walked Into The Kitchen makes cooking accessible and less intimidating. Particularly for those who may not have much experience in the kitchen by detailing the equipment and utensils needed. The recipes are also easy-to-follow, old classics.

We’re excited because women everywhere can breathe a collective sigh of relief, minutes will not be lost in explanations of how boiling egg counts as cooking, new life will be breathed into romantic relationships and diets will be improved.

Honestly, if these aren’t good enough reasons then we don’t know what are.

An African Man Has Just Walked Into The Kitchen is available for purchases on iBooks, Kobo and Amazon Kindle and has just launched today. The writer hinted on the possibility of doing a book tour as well as a cooking show adapted from the book.

So keep your eyes and ears open.

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