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#KingIsHome24June was the hashtag in every Zim Hip Hop head’s mind this past Saturday with people expecting last year’s Soko Matemai exhilaration to be felt once again after Sharky gave us what was due.

Sharkys debut studio album Soko Matemai captivated and told a story that got noticed that it deserved the Zim Hip Hop 2016 Album Of The Year award and this celebration was needed. Loyal fans and fellow artists like Tehn Diamond, MC Chita, Tatea Da MC, Xndr and Tulkmunny all showed up to witness this award winning album frenzy.

Despite the late turn up of fans and expected guests at the early hours of the show, The atmosphere was good. Set at Courteney Hotel, the setup and design was looking good. The supporting acts had well polished sets and they set the venue on fire, almost literally!(inside joke). During these perfomances the place was filling up with the right people. I guess we might say no one is to blame for the lack of punctuality but the African time consciousness we all have. Or maybe the venue change from Moto Republik might have contributed to a low turn up?

Our personal highlight of the evening was him announcement of his second surprise album. Yes! A new 13 track album which no one expected at all.

Take Back The Land is the title of Sharkys brand new offering and as for reviews and comments on this new package delivered to us, give us time for it to marinate. But we must say the man is working days and night to follow up on his entry Soko Matemai.

All we hope for is for the acceptance of this second album to exceed the anniversary celebration turn up. The new album is a step in the right direction from his last project proving that Sharky is a force to be reckoned with. The turn up not that good but we guess the right people showed up.  Can we blame the low attendance on promotion methods? Might it be because his fans did not know that it was an album launch? Or maybe the cold was just way too much. All these questions need an answer however we do hope that the brand is looking into what went wrong to avoid this in future.

Dale Lipha Gondo

Dale Lipha Gondo

'If you don't agree with my taste, change your taste buds'-Dale Lipha Gondo aka TheGondoVision

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