Is it Or Isn’t it ? Much Ado About Ammara Brown’s Alleged Sextape.

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The internet is a mess again and it’s not Trump or any other international issue. Its closer to home, in fact it’s all about one of Zimbabwe’s sweethearts, Ammara Brown. Apparently there are nudes and a sextape circulating and WhatsApp is abuzz with people purporting to know the authenticity of this pornographic material. Why would anyone one keep quite? It is Queen Mukoko  trending afterall!

Contrary to what all other regular Joes believe, the lady in that sextape is one Amari Harrison and according to a site she has uploaded over a dozen sextapes. Obviously because of the similarities these two ladies possess, Ammara/Amari, being of mixed race and the natural afro some of us chose not to obey logic but to go all out and attack Ammara without checking our  fact first.


Ammara Brown is now a brand which would obviously be (naturally), prone to attacks and the fact that this got her name trending means that you all gave her free publicity. It’s sad to note that there is no genuine support of artists as people went on a rampage in WhatsApp groups giving ill-informed comments. Considering that the larger section of the group that was spewing this rubbish were men, it’s evidence that women are still very much objectified. Some even claimed that they knew that she would do something like that. Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Women are not taken seriously in the music industry. They are considered as sex objects, as is evidenced by the appearance of video girls twerking in every rappers video. The talent is set aside and all people want to look at is how much sex appeal a female artist oozes. Is that all women can do in the music sector? There is a need for a paradigm shift in the way women are viewed. There should be seen as players in the sector, not just rent-a-video-girl-who-can-sing!

So guys, lets STOP THIS RUMOUR! There is no need for us to damage a growing brand so that we can find something to talk about. As disappointing as that is all I can say is, Tsvagai Mabasa !
(find something productive to do).

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.


  1. Thanks for clarifying that it’s not Ammara.These internet trolls & bullies were already spreading and validating this fallacy

  2. Thanks for clarifying that It’s not Ammara.

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