Bank Workers In Solidarity With Doctors Over Magombeyi's Disappearance

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Zimbabwe Banks and Allied Workers Union (ZIBAWU) says it is fully in solidarity with the Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association (ZHDA) on the disappearance of Peter Magombeyi.
Zimbabwe doctors downed their tools demanding to know the whereabouts of the ZHDA president.

“We the Zimbabwe Banks and Allied Workers Union wish to advise all our members and supporters that we are fully in solidarity with the Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association,” ZIBAWU president Tawanda Mutemi said in a press release.
“We are calling for the immediate release of Dr Peter Magombeyi the of ZHDA who was abducted by unknown people.”

Mutemi said Dr Magombeyi was speaking on behalf of all the working class which is suffering under the yoke of man-made poverty.

“Dr Magombeyi sought to liberate workers who are failing to provide food, pay for rentals and school fees,” Mutemi said.
He was speaking for you and me whose dignity has been eroded and is even borrowing bus fare for going to work.”
“So we all must unite and demand that the government immediately end the suffering of workers by pronouncing that all workers’ salaries be paid in USD or equivalent using the interbank exchange rate,” Mutemi went on.

Doctors, today were blocked by the police as they marched to the parliament demanding to know Magombeyi’s whereabouts.
ZIBAWU urged its members to join all processes that are held and called for by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and ZHDA in support of the release of Magombeyi.

“We also must demand that the Government immediately end the suffering of workers by pronouncing that all workers’ salaries be paid in USD or equivalent using the interbank exchange rate,” Mutemi says.

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