Zimbabwe's Climate Change Poorly Budgeted For: Expert

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Acting Chief Director for Water Resources, Climate Change and WASH in the Ministry of Environment, Washington Zhakata, in an interview last week said Zimbabwe’s climate change agenda has been very poorly budgeted for.
The Director said there is need for a budget for climate change because all money is from donors.

“There is not yet a budget which is substantive for climate change activities because what has been provided for at the moment has been so mega that it can’t do much,” Zhakata said.
“There is need really to sensitize policy levels with the Ministers and Permanent Secretaries to ensure that they advocate the budget for the climate change  otherwise it will be very difficult to implement climate change agenda only using development partners resources.”

About US$1,2 million is need to do an in depth vulnerability and adaptation assessment to analyse the nature and strength of bridges and dams and also coming up with safe havens for people living in risky places according to the Chief Director.

“The levels of vulnerability are very serious in the country as observed in the past season when we had Cyclone Idai, Cyclone Dineo in the other season which impacted on the communities quite negatively,” Zhakata said.

Money is also needed for vehicles and computers to be used by workers doing their jobs around the country.
Another half a million per year is also needed for operations.
Climate change is blamed for persistent droughts and other harsh weather conditions affecting southern Africa today.
The burning of fossil fuels and green houses are blamed for causing climate change hence the need to migrate to smart energy which include use of solar power and hydro electricity.


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