COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Restraining People from Vaccination

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Zimbabwe is currently rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to its citizens. Vice President and Minister of Health, Constantino Chiwenga became the first person to be injected with the vaccine to put faith in citizens. But, media reports reveal that uptake of the Sinopham vaccine has been low among citizens. One of the reasons that have been pointed out for restraining people is conspiracy theories, some of which are linked with religion. This article gives some of the conspiracy theories that have been circulating on social media.

Covid-19 A Bill Gates Population Control Project

The theory says Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, has a project to control the population of the world as well as a profiteer from a pandemic. Gates has been warning the world about the consequences of countries not being ready to counter a new disease never seen before. When the COVID-19 pandemic became a global pandemic, Gates’ warnings turned against him as conspiracy theorists create allegations against the billionaire. The once richest man is accused of creating the virus to reduce and control the increasing population of the world. Some believe that Gates created the virus and also the cure so as to profiteer from dying people.  The conspiracy goes on to say experiments on the virus were made in an African country through a non-governmental organisation (NGO) created by Gates himself. Protests have since erupted in some countries with conspiracy theorists demanding the arrest of Gates. Authorities have however denied arresting Gates stating that there has been no evidence in the COVID-19 virus DNA which shows that the virus was created in the laboratory.

The New World Order

Theorists say that the COVID-19 virus was created by a very influential secret sect that seeks to control the world under the New World Order. Corporates (Google, Facebook), United States billionaires (including Gates again and the Rothschild family) and former presidents (George Bush, the late Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama) are allegedly involved in the secret sect. The sect created the COVID-19 virus to restrain upcoming companies from profiteering thereby taking control of the world economy. The pandemic has managed to keep people around the world indoors through lockdowns and this will help the sect control the movement of people easily. Through fear, the world will fall under the control of the sect. The sect has a cure for the COVID-19 virus. This however seems not to be real as China became the biggest benefactor with the Asian economy taking over that of the US where Google and Facebook are located. Countries are already opening up their economies with governments offering packages for survival. COVID-19 vaccines have already been created before the populations can be controlled by fear.

The G5 Network

China has created the G5 network and this network is releasing waves that are causing COVID-19 according to those that believe in this theory. Some of the theorists argue that the waves are weakening the immune system. Countries have reported incidences of cellphone towers being destroyed as furious residents vandalise the infrastructures. Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) Director-General Dr Gift Kallisto Machengete has denied the theory by saying there is no scientific link between the Fifth Generation cellular mobile technology (5G) and COVID-19 or the spread of the global pandemic. The director also argued that frequencies used in the 5G network are new to mobile phones phone networks but have been studied for more than seven years and have for a long time been commonly used in other applications, such as point-to-point radio links and body scanners for security checks. The World Health Organisation says the networks do not spread COVID-19 and that viruses do not circulate over radio waves or mobile networks. Moreover, COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not even have a 5G mobile network.

COVID-19 Virus Leaked From A Wuhan Laboratory

One interesting theory says the COVID-19 was a leak from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The theory says China was producing a biological weapon to control the people of Hong Kong who were protesting against the communist government. The biological weapon did not turn out the way China wanted but gave birth to the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 virus then leaked from the Wuhan laboratory after a spy stole the prototype to sell to the US government. Besides finding no evidence of altercations in the virus DNA to prove that the COVID-19 was produced in the laboratory, WHO researchers that went to China to find the origins of the virus said a laboratory leak is highly unlikely. WHO’s theories on the origin of the virus is a transfer from animals to humans. WHO also says there is a possibility that the virus did not come from China itself.

Superpowers Using Africa for Experimentation

One of the reasons why Africans (Zimbabwe included) are not taking the virus stems from the theory that superpowers are using African countries in experiments to see the effects of vaccines before using the medicines on their own populations. In Zimbabwe, the theory goes on to satirically say if you are injected with the Chinese Sinopham COVID-19 vaccine, you will wake up one day speaking Chinese instantly. Viruses that are being distributed in Africa and around the world have however been tested and approved for use by WHO. The experiments have already been done on voluntary bases.

Religion (Mark of the Beast/666)

Religion also produced theories on the COVID-19 pandemic. Christians speak of a time that marks the end of the world where Satan, an archangel responsible for all evil on earth, will raise a beast for humans to pray. Worshippers of the beast will be given the Mark of the beast represented by the number 666. COVID-19 is one of Satan’s machinations to give people the mark of the beast in the excuse of vaccinating the world.  All that receive the mark of the beast will not go to the place of joy and happiness heaven after death but will spend an everlasting life in hell, a place of anguish for sinners according to the theory. Some Christians are fighting against taking the virus because of fear that they might receive the mark of the beast.


These are not the only theories surrounding the COVID-19 virus. Despite some of these theories being weird, people have actually believed in them. Maybe one day a generation in the future will be fascinated with how the people in the 21st century created stories due to lack of trust in authorities, levels of enlightenment and some religious beliefs that have shaped our generation.

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