Apostolic Sect Church Defies Stay-At-Home Directives As Others Switch To Online Services

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The virus strain was first identified in Wuhan, in China in December 2019.

According to WHO, most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

Globally, the viral and infectious ailment has infected over 2.8 million and killed more than 190,000 people as of Monday, April 27.

In Zimbabwe cases of the coronavirus have risen to thirty-one with four fatalities.

As a response to the spread, the government declared a 35-day lockdown period that saw churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other businesses shutting their doors in every corner of the country.

As it stands now, people are praying daily for an end to the coronavirus that is gripping the world, turning human interaction into a virtual affair and upending lives everywhere during a struggle against a silent enemy about which little is known.

Most churches have turned to online services as a means to fellowship with their congregants, acting under the government’s directives to socially distance and stay at home.

But that hasn’t stopped the white-garment-wearing Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide Revelation in Bulawayo from gathering their large congregation.

On Sunday, state media reported that the police in the south-west city arrested forty-eight church members who were congregating for a service in Tshabalala suburb and were taken to the police station.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the arrest with the Chronicle.

“A group of 48 people comprising men and women was today at around 1 pm found at the Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide Revelation led by an Apostle Ndlovu who was heading the team. They were found at a church in Tshabalala worshipping, despite the lockdown regulations that outlaws such a gathering. They claimed that they thought that gatherings of below 100 people were permitted,” said Insp. Ncube.

The inspector called on members of the public to adhere to lockdown regulations.

Reportedly, residents who observed the church group being arrested expressed disappointment that some people were truanting national regulations that were done for the wellbeing of the whole country.

The Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide Revelation’s fiasco registers a second time when church members have been arrested for violating COVID-19 lockdown regulations in Bulawayo.

The Chronicle established that two weeks ago, police also arrested nine congregants of the Revival of Jesus Miracles Ministries in Nketa suburb for gathering in public, and each was made to pay $500 admission of guilt fine. Those who fail to raise the required fines risk two months in jail.

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