Everything You Need to Know About Big D Energy But Are Afraid to Ask

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Big Dick Energy is the phenomenon that trolled the eff out of 2018. While you may only have learned the name recently or a few seasons ago, you’ll surely be intimate with the notion. Like you know it when you see it and to the both of you lucky ones, you may even have it yourself.

Naturally, there is already an Urban Dictionary definition of BDE, and that’s how you know it’s a thing. It is defined as,

“confidence without cockiness. It is never misplaced, and it cannot be simulated. It is the sexual equivalent of writing a check for $10k knowing you got it in the bank account [sic].”

BDE is something you either have, or you don’t. It’s a quiet assurance that in some starts from birth and in others develops over time. But the crucial factor is it’s low key. Someone with big dick energy is someone with a relaxed confidence, aura in themselves. They’re not shy or quiet, but they’re not arrogant either. And they’re certainly not overcompensating for anything.

If you have BDE, you might walk with a bit of an attitude – but it’s not try-hard. You don’t put on a cocky swagger hoping to make a point or attracting attention to yourself, you just stride with confidence. It’s about radiating energy that draws people towards you and gives off the impression you have your life together. If you have BDE, you’re probably well-liked and easy to get on with. People like spending time with you. You make people feel good.

It’s not a power trip. It’s the opposite. A healthful, satisfied, low-key way you feel yourself. Some may call this “oh he/she fucks” vibe, but that is different: you can fuck, but not have BDE. Some may call this “well-adjusted”.

But don’t be fooled into thinking you actually need to have a well-endowed peen to have BDE – you don’t need to have one at all. There are men with Big Dicks, but who do not ooze BDE. There are men with average to little ones who can have so much BDE you’re dismayed to find that their wang does not touch their knee. Also, it’s just as feasible for a woman to carry herself with big dick energy as a man. A good number of ladies brims with it, even though some have pointed out the fact that the name revolving around male genitalia may do nothing for the feminist cause or for male self-esteem, as it shores up the overtones associated with having an enormous peen.

IMO, you can promptly and decisively decide who has Big Dick Energy and who does not. It’s not a multiple-choice question or some feat of inferring. You either got it, or you don’t. In Zimbabwe, men with BDE include Craig Zoowie, Resilience Gze, Leroy Gopal, Tendai Mtawarira, Hakeem Mandaza, Jonathan Denga, Tino Chinyani, Frank Buyanga, Chamu Chiwanza, Christopher Mugaga, and Michael Mahendere.

Well, some are dying to know if little dick energy is also a thing. Quite possibly. Whilst some have suggested that toxic masculinity is the opposite of BDE, others have proffered simply the concept of little dick energy (LDE) or even mediocre dick energy (MDE). These people? They’re arrogant, bolshy, petty, in-your-face and annoying.

I will leave you to diagnose all the loudmouthed folks with LDE/MDE ailment.

Openly Black

Openly Black

Critic At Large in Culture | Disruptor-in-Chief | Prolific Serial Tweeter | Foul-Mouth Creative | Free Speech Absolutist... And All That Jazz

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