Churches; Ruling Party Youths Block Somizi from Coming to Zimbabwe

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Indigenous churches and ZANU-PF youths are said to have made successful efforts in blocking South African media personality Somizi Mhlongo from coming into Zimbabwe.

Somizi was expected to grace the reopening of Garwe Restaurant in Zimbabwe tomorrow, 4 November 2021, but the country’s two influential groups went against this because of Somizi’s openly gayness.

Reports coming out of Zimbabwe say the ruling party’s youth league using Tendai Chirau engaged with Garwe Restaurant owners who then reversed the decision for Somizi to grace the reopening of the eating house.

The Zimbabwean society, which is made up of mostly Christians and staunch culturalists, has always been known for its stance against homosexuality.

Indigenous churches, under the banner Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe had earlier on written a letter to the Zimbabwean government to block Somizi from entering the landlocked country.

The letter cited that the country’s constitution is against homosexuality.

“It is therefore our question if we allow Somiz to come to our land, spiritually we would have been disturbed a lot, and physically we would have openly accepted homosexuality in Zimbabwe hence affecting our children,”part of the letter reads.

“This move will also affect our revolutionary party ZANU PF by disturbing the 5 million votes win needed in the next 2023 harmonized elections for it is publicly known that our party strongly stands against homosexuality.”

Ruling party youths were already planning to invade the Garwe Restaurant if  Somizi had successfully come into Zimbabwe according to reports surfacing on social media.

The letter from the Churches reads, “If the authorities fail to protect us in time, the Church is currently planning to hold a peaceful demonstration at the airport upon his arrival as well as at the Restaurant.”

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