About Hope Masike’s Mbira Magic & Her Exciting New Record Deal

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Zimbabwean Artist Hope Masike gave fans and newbies alike a real treat over the weekend for a Live Concert titled MbiraMagic on Saturday night at Harare’s Theatre in the ParkThanks to our late arrival, I caught Hope Masike just in time her set which began with Mbira interpretations of songs from the DRC to Mozambique, featuring Rhumba and Kuduro flair. The turnout was good but not overwhelming; I was, on the other hand, quite inspired by the strong female presence in the audience.  

The sisterly love was warming.

In the crowd were notable figures in Zimbabwean music like Clive Mono Mukundu and Josh Meck whose brotherly love was audible through excessive yet encouraging cheers.

We watched, transfixed as she had a brief dalliance with Sungura flavour in a Chiwoniso cover while her dancers energetically supported her and encouraged the crowd. Venturing into Reggae territory and calling up a former Transit Crew frontman for an imperfect but all the same entertaining duet. Hope Masike’s cover of Emeli Sande’s ‘Next to me’ was soulful, making for a strange and beautiful combination on the Mbira. The Gwenyambirakadzi closed off with a song which sealed her big announcement.

“A new album is on the way…I’m signed to a new label, more details in due course” she said in mid-song rather mysteriously. 

Never ones for leaving stones unturned we caught up with Hope who confirmed the big news, 

“Yes I’ve been signed, I can’t say with who yet but it is an international label that handles World Music,” said Hope Masike. 

Hope Masike played flawlessly and showcased what we’d like to coin as ‘the Dynamism of Mbira’, an enjoyable live experience. We’re just so glad more people will get to be a part of the Mbira Magic. Good on her! 

You can check out our highlights reel from the concert below, enjoy!

Stephing Out Loud

Stephing Out Loud

Sometimes I write, sometimes I say things. More often, I do them.

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