Zimbabwean Pop Sweetheart Tinashe Makura Says Hello to The Knot & Goes off the Market!

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Tinashe Makura the darling of the Zimbabwean Pop-scene with hits such as Hello, collaborations with Ammara Brown and Chashe on tracks such as Roar Zim Roar and Zvekupenga respectively has taken the high road proposing to his girlfriend Sarah Foltz who he’s known for over three years.

In an exclusive with #ENTHUSE Tinashe said,

“It’s almost unreal but an amazing real feeling. She’s a really special lady and our souls communicate very well. She’s been my friend for the longest time and just  falling in love with her has brought so much peace in my life. I couldn’t be happier”

We don’t know much about the how he proposed but we know it was sweet enough for his soon to be better half to gush about on Facebook half a grand of responses and reactions.

Zimbabwean Pop Sweetheart Tinashe Makura Says Hello to The Knot & Goes off the Market!
Source : Facebook

Zimbabwean Pop Sweetheart Tinashe Makura Says Hello to The Knot & Goes off the Market!“Never would I have imagined when I met you three years ago in an unfamiliar airport in a country I didn’t know, that I would one day come to love you… that one day you’d ask me to be your girlfriend.. and that one day you’d get down on one knee and propose…I’m engaged y’all!”  – Sarah Foltz 










Having known Tinashe personally from his Photography, Philanthropic work straight down to his Music, we can safely say we are positively #ENTHUSE-ed with the news and wish those two lovebirds nothing but love and laughter.





Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie Kapfunde

Stephanie is the Founder of Zimbabwean New Media start-up Enthuse Afrika & the Editor of their biggest project so far #ENTHUSE.

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