Experience The Brit Sex Appeal At #ZIFF2017

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The Zimbabwe International Film Festival #ZIFF2017 is currently underway and also running concurrently with International Images Film Festival for Women. This years programme is all inclusive with an intensive day programme including talks from to Film experts from Zimbabwe and abroad. Keeping true to the this year’s theme, The Business of Film.

With speakers at workshops like The Flash Actor Rick Cossnet, Stephen Chipfunyise, Tatenda Mbudzi and more, the main aim of this festival is to stimulate the business side of Zimbabwean films. All workshops are currently free and are being held at the ZIFT headquarters.

However, the crowd pulling element of the festival have remained the feature film screenings which supported by different countries via their embassies. The British Council presents Lady Macbeth as the film which will be showcased today at the ZIFFT Hub in Kensington. Lady Macbeth is not based on the Shakespeare play, but

“Rural England, 1865. Katherine is stifled by her loveless marriage to a bitter man twice her age, whose family is cold and unforgiving. When she embarks on a passionate affair with a young worker on her husband’s estate, a force is unleashed inside her, so powerful that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.”

Remember that entrance is free for all screenings and this one will have some popcorn and a drink added on top. Come through and enjoy the wonder that is film!




Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Kirkpatrick Chidamba

Free Thinker. Loud. Another inhabitant of Terra Firma. I am not your favourite person. Neither do I plan to be. But you will know my opinion. In fact, you will love it.

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