What We Thought Of Fungai Nengare & DJ Naida’s Maybe It’s You

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Finally!! I’ve waited anxiously to share my thoughts on this new single. Fungai Nengare is an ever so talented Zimbabwean Artist well known for his warm fusion of Jazz, Pop Afro-centric Music and R & B. At long last he brings another happy melody into our sphere titled Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s you  sounds like a happy, sunny day, it sounds like summer and joy in a glass jar. As a matter of fact if you are planning to head out on a date with #OOMF or a #ShootYourShot candidate, this is a brilliant soundtrack that may land you a cuddle or two! Maybe it’s you is 4 minutes of  love song graced by the John-Legend-esque voice of Fungai Nengare and a twist of Hip Hop from the bad-ass femcee Dj Naida. Uplifting in tone it speaks about the vulnerability of love and being in love pointing out the simultaneous feelings of fear and excitement. Speaking of excitement, Dj Naida throw bars like nobody’s business, damn, I enjoyed her bar to bar, hands down!

Maybe it’s you is well thought out in instrumentals and in lyricism. We like it, we like it a lot, actually… this song should in actual fact come with a warning label :

Causes uncontrollable bouts of  singing-along.

Munashe Chakaonda 
Listen to it here and tell us what you think.

Munashe Chakaonda

Munashe Chakaonda

Online Publisher| Creative Writer| Editor In The Making| All About Big Dreams

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